Terrorism Sucks?

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Saturday, November 09, 2002
More from Robert Fisk in the Independent, November 8, 2002

Now, I have a question. If you or I was that girl's husband or lover or brother or father, would we not be prepared to take hostages in a Moscow theatre? Even if this meant – as it did – that, asphyxiated by Russian gas, we would be executed with a bullet in the head, as the Chechen women hostage-takers were? But no matter. The "war on terror" means that Kolya and the boys will be back in action soon, courtesy of Messrs Putin, Bush and Blair

Thursday, November 07, 2002
Kevin Ryan, U.S. attorney for Northern California asks, "Was the energy crisis spurred in part by criminal activity? The answer is a resounding yes." San Diego Untion-Tribune, Wednesday October 23, 2002. Do we need any more evidence that entertainment talk show hosts should not be relied on for FACTS? (errr, like the not credible Mr. KABC. Is it any wonder he uses a psuedonym?)

PG&E is in bankruptcy and Southern California Edison (SCE) is still fighting for financial solvency, all because of crooks and criminals in suits. It will be an injustice if these two utilities go down in a ball of flames due to the Enrons and Consumer Activists jumping on anything to push the California utilities over the edge. How is it these Consumer Activists (who put money in their own pockets first) can claim any moral authority when they take advantage of what these crooks started? Win at all costs is the motto of those without ethics not to mention ratings at any cost.

Thursday, September 05, 2002
ESPN.com First the 58-game winning streak ended, and now, the United States will not even medal despite its legion of NBA players at the World Championships in Indianapolis. That's because Yugoslavia overcame a 10-point deficit to beat Team USA 81-78 on Thursday night. The U.S. now must qualify for the Olympics.

What does this say about these guys' million dollar salaries? Is the NBA paying millions for guys that clearly are not the best? Another example of money negatively affecting performance.

Tuesday, August 06, 2002
From Barry Farber

My new Islamic friend then asked to what religion [Barry Farber] belonged.

"I'm Jewish," [Barry] said.

He leaned in and said, "Your ancient rabbis deleted the prophecy about the coming of Mohammed from the Torah."

"Beg pardon?" I said.

"It's well known, " he said. "Your Torah clearly told of the arrival of 'Achmed.' Achmed is the same name as Mohammed."

"How do you know all this?" I asked.

"Why, it's all there. It's all there," he replied, implying it was all fully documented in places where only the most venal religious villain could deny it. Yet he never quite specified where those corrobatory documents resided.

What about 9-11?

He answered with an annoyed confidence that suggested one of the crescents he was fated to bear was putting up with illiterate infidels who still don't know who staged 9-11.

"It was all arranged by the United States government," he said. "Your government needed 9-11 as an excuse to take Afghanistan," he said.

"How do you know?"

"It's all there. It's all there, my friend. All you have to do is read." Again he failed to say what it was that had to be read.

"Are you saying we Americans ourselves staged that attack?" I asked.

"Of course," he replied. "Cheney and Enron had tried to negotiate deals with the Taliban prior to 9-11. This administration decided it needed a pretext to take over Afghanistan when the Taliban refused to roll over to your demands. 9-11 had to precede an American conquest of Afghanistan."

He took advantage of my bewildered silence to "corroborate" his claim. "It's all there," he said. "You just have to read it. It's all there."

How can stupidity this flagrant and dangerous go unheeded? Does this country need another reminder that Islam is not a religion of peace much as Communism in not the system for equality? Islam's goal is to brainwash the stupid into believing things that don't exist, then their leaders can oppress women and all others who dare to make them look stupid by questioning their religion. Do these "geniuses" realize that without oil they would be third world countries? Also, without countries that actually create a product that can sustain populations their whole cultures would starve? Amazing...

Sunday, July 28, 2002
Hopefully, people have learned not to get their facts from opinionated radio hosts. However, demagogues are dangerous if they have the "gift of gab." A radio host who hides behind the moniker Mr. KABC has tried to inform people on the "bogus" California Power Crisis. It's no wonder that the ratings for KABC have fallen and KABC is no longer the leader of talk radio in Los Angeles. Mr. KABC "doesn't get" it and is either incompetent or a liar. On the KABC website Mr. KABC tries to [mis]inform his readers and listeners. The fact that this hasn't been fixed after two months is a disgrace.

By Mr. KABC - June 10, 2002

>>>"Snowpack 24% of normal. Summer generation relies on hydroelectric power from melted snow.">>>

Misinterpreting facts to make his point. How 24% below normal turns into 24% of normal is understandable only if you know that this man has an agenda.

>>> Fundamental problems not fixed. Specifically, the bidding system for power purchases by the Power Exchange which sets the price to be paid to all power sellers at the highest amount bid for that hour, even if some sellers would have sold power at a lower price.>>>

Power Exchange!?? The California Power Exchange went bankrupt shortly after the California Power Crisis erupted. The fact that this document is from 2000 and Mr. KABC is trying to make a point about the summer of 2002 is more evidence of his incompetence.

Terrorism works? No doubt... "Going Postal" has led to increased severence packages in many corporations. Don't kid yourself to believe that these corporations are showing compassion for the ex-employees. Riots in major cities serve a purpose and make leaders give in to fringe groups that claim to represent an entire class of people. Now, as Glenn Reynolds points out in Instapundit "...human rights groups and Euro-government types aren't willing to make as much noise about the practices of Arab countries." Why else would people cede to a society that

[1] Puts Restrictions on the free flow of information;

[2] Subjugates women;

[3] Has an inability to accept responsibility for individual or collective failure;

[4] The extended family or clan is the basic unit of social organization;

[5] Is dominated by a restrictive religion;

[6] Has a low valuation of education (other than the education of Jew hating); and

[7] Low prestige assigned to work

Amazing... things will get worse before they get better.

Sunday, June 23, 2002
They Never Forgot Kile at Chaffey College Olivera said he remembers a startling summer body transformation in Kile. "It was like he became Lou Ferrigno turning into the Incredible Hulk," Olivera said. "He started growing like a weed. He just took off, like 30-to-40 pounds and two or three inches."

Is this evidence of steroids causing the untimely death of Darryl Kile? Hopefully, an autopsy will be able to give us the truth. The stupid fact that major league baseball does not test its athletes because it has no power against the powerful players' union and the union’s executive director Donald Fehr's fear of invading the "privacy" of its players should make us all suspicious and forces us to speculate. Is Darryl Kile's death the price for this privacy? While Kile was 6'5" and 215 lbs., dimensions not normally what one would expect from a steroid "freak." But neither is Chuck Finley who has been accused in court documents by his wife, Tawney, that he used steroids and at 6'6", 226 lbs. he doesn't fit the steroid stereotype either.

Until baseball outlaws the unlawful use of steroids and conducts drug testing for steroids, all players are under suspicion, especially those that die young from a heart problem that is a frequent cause of death for steroid user, as well us those players who leave the game at a relatively young age and suffer numerous little injuries that limit them throuhout their careers. The future generation of players is at risk, for they will only be able to make a major league roster only if they risk their health by taking steroids. Will Darryl Kile save a future generation of players from taking illegal drugs?

Tuesday, June 04, 2002
No taxpayer stadium in LA. I think LA would support an NFL team, but the team needs to put a quality product on the field. The Raiders and Rams failed to do so in their last years and people did not attend the games. Why is this surprising? Why reward failure? Let the losers in St. Louis give millions to Georgia.

Monday, June 03, 2002
Add Dennis Kozlowski to the CEO Scumbag list.

Dennis Kozlowski was ousted from the helm of Tyco Monday amid reports that he is under criminal investigation for avoiding New York sales tax. A federal grand jury is exploring whether Kozlowski moved hundreds of millions of dollars into family trusts and used those trusts to buy goods and services without paying state sales taxes, according to The New York Times.

Do these guys have no shame? Don't people know that GREED is one of the Seven Deadly Sins? A little bit of luck and the CEOs are the emperors who wear no clothes. They leave in shame, but with their pockets full of money. Any 2-bit burglar or drug dealer would be happy with their fate.

Sunday, June 02, 2002
I'd like to hear Hillary Clinton's take on the Lakers and Kings and add this to the conspiracy theories. Let's take a look... in the seven game series the Kings outscored the Lakers 697 to 695. Now didn't Al Gore win the "popular" vote as well? Does it matter to Hillary et al that the Lakers won 4 of the 7 games? Hmmm... maybe it's time for the Cowpokes in Cowtown, Sacramento to all become Democrats and get Hillary on their side.

I hope $33 million is enough for Dynegy's CEO's resignation? It's the latest fall for an energy company and its CEO that made tons of money during the California Energy Crisis. Ken Lay, Jeff Skilling, and Chuck Watson... millionaires they own mansions and a yacht and are laughing to the bank. Does everyone have his price? Is $33 million enough for a legacy of running a company into the ground and losing your moral and ethical compass? I hope we soon find these men in jail and their ill-gotten gains being paid back to shareholders. Not holding my breath... Let's also not forget Jill Barrad at Mattell. She got a $50 million severance package for ruining Mattel. When will the insanity stop? We need Susan Powter.


Lakers win! Lakers win! What a great series... too much emphasis on the refs. Now for the Middle East analogy... does Sacramento refuse to accept the Laker victory and take to suicide bombing, since they can't win by conventional means?

Thursday, April 18, 2002
I'd like to hear Hillary Clinton's take on the Lakers and Kings and add this to the conspiracy theories.
Let's take a look... in the seven game series the Kings outscored the Lakers 697 to 695. Now didn't Al Gore win the "popular" vote as well? Does it matter to Hillary et al that the Lakers won 4 of the 7 games? Hmmm... maybe it's time for the Cowpokes in Cowtown, Sacramento to all become Democrats and get Hillary on their side.